About Us

Sri Sivam Clinic was started on 2007 & rendered treatment for physical andMental Rehabilitation to patients at the minimum charges in Chidambaram Town,Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu, INDIA.

In the year 2008 the clinic was renamed as Vidial Center and continued the above services. January 27, 2010 onwards, the clinic was established as Vidial Groups, which has been developed by the Sri Sivam Trust. The Trustees are Dr. M. Selva Kumar, Founder & President, Sri. M.K. Mohan, Honorary Head, and the Secretary Smt. Saroja with the intention of providing advanced level treatments for multiple disorders such asAutism, Attention Deficit and Hyperactive Disorder, Mental Retardation and Learning Disability, Cerebral Palsy, Infantile Hemiplegia etc., It is functioning in 4000 sq. feet area with the working hours from 9.30am to 4 pm.

About Us

Who We Are !

Dr. M. Selva Kumar, a qualified Occupational Therapist, is a Managing Director ofVidial Groups and the Founder & President of Sri Sivam Trust. Sri M. K. Mohan is the Honorary President and Mrs. M. Saroja is the Secretary.

From 2002 onwards Dr. M. Selvakumar has been providing sustained services in the field of Paediatric Rehabilitation. During his study period, he identified that the special children's parents having lack of awareness and lack of proper guidelines from the medical professionals which let them to spend more years to treat their child's minor defects. Therefore, he has focused the importance of creating awareness through parental counselling and specific treatment plan.

Dr. M. Selva Kumar wanted to lead a peaceful & spiritual life with permanent job after the successful completion of his study but he avoided his ambition and chosen private practice because he aimed to provide a better treatment to the needy society. On 2002 he has started a clinic in CM Hospital at Kollidam to provide a quality treatment for all, without discriminating the rich & poor. Since then, he has been providing free treatment for the poor, minimal fees for middle classes and nominal fees for the upper classes.

On 2007, Sri Sivam Trust was started and established as Vidial Groups. During 2007, Dr. M. Selva Kumar has contributed his free services as Consultation and Special advisor in G.V. Special School, Chidambaram. During his consultancy service, he developed many strategies for the special children especially for Autistic Children, but he could not get permission from the school to implement these strategies. However, he was motivated himself and by the parents of Autistic children in general and in particular the parent of Master Ahamed Hussain who was having severe Autistic Features resulted in establishment of Vidial Center on June 13, 2008 at Kanagasabai Nagar, 1/84, 5th Cross, Chidambaram. It was found that one hour Therapy is not sufficient to get the expected prognosis. So from July 14th of 2008 Vidial Center has reformed in the name of Vidial Rehabilitation Center with the working time from 9.30 am to 4 pm. with multi level Therapy and Treatment by means of One to One Teaching Methods. Through these facilities, MR, ADHD, Autism, LD children has obtained good prognosis Many special children has benefited through this approach of treatment with good prognosis. Due to the admission of many children, the Vidial Center has shifted to IInd Main Road, Vasantham Mandabam at Chidambaram on January 27, 2010 with total area of 4000 Sq. feet. This present center has many units with improved and advanced treatment facilities. Here individual with MR, LD are separated as one unit and Autism, ADHD are coming under one Unit and CP, Multi Disabled individual are separated as one Unit for better prognosis and comfortable of treatment.

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Head Office (Chidambaram)

No:2/46, 2nd Main Road,Kanagasabai Nagar,Chidambaram-608001,Cuddalore Dist,Tamil Nadu,

+91 9942032893 / +91 9488476165
